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Request for Applications Lim Lab Research Idea Award

Announcement Date: July 12th, 2018

Proposal Deadline: September 3rd, 2018

Award Notification Date: End of September, 2018


To encourage all lab members’ innovative research in Lim Lab, Dr. Seung-Oe Lim is allocating funds to support the establishment of your innovative/high-risk research idea in our lab. One proposal will be funded.

General Guidelines:

  1. All members in Lim Lab are eligible for PI of the award.

  2. Two members can apply to the award as co-PIs.

  3. Proposal length- Proposal should be single-spaced and a maximum of two pages in length (Calibri or similar font at 11pt) with no less than 0.5-inch page margins.

  4. Timeline- The total project period is 1 year.

  5. File format– Only .doc, .docx, or .pdf files will be accepted. Any figures should be embedded in the document and must fit within the maximum page limit.

  6. Progress report- Progress towards goals must be reported semi-annually.

  7. Deadline– Applications should be sent to Seung-Oe Lim ( and must be received by 5:00 pm on September 3rd2018.


Up to $10,000 will be made available to the project. Funds can be used for S&E (supplies and equipment), core facilities, and travel (up to $2,000).

Application Format:

The following information must be included within the maximum 2-page limit.

  1. Title

  2. Specific aim(s)

  3. Significance of proposed research

  4. Approach to accomplishing specific aims

Additional information that must be included (not included in the page limit requirements)

  1. References

  2. Budget justification

Review Criteria:

  1. Potential for the proposed project raising the prominence of Lim Lab.

  2. Potential for high-impact journal publication, patent application, or subsequent external follow-on funding.

  3. Scientific merit

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